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As you can see the image it has a significance can you spot. The plant grew in a fertile area rather than in cemented path or stone it is because of its base ,yes you should first develop your base than you should look for the top.Now the question is what is base? According to Oxford dictionary (since learning meaning is helpful) it's lowest part of something or it's edge so that's edge in study it is reading ,writing, memorizing something so first we will discuss this thing.
Reading is not aimed for roteing meaning memorizing every thing because it causes our Brain to keep every word say for example if I have to build a house than I need 1000 brick but if I brought all bricks but I put 999 bricks instead of 1000 than my work is incomplete.
So roteing causes Brain to loose words like bricks so customizing a good article, statement, question, letter, or answer is good language and points highlighting.for example-''India is struggling in lockdown virus peacefully''If you rote and forget virus word than your answer is incomplete so if you knew point words like,India, struggling, lockdown, virus and peacefully we can also make sentence like"Virus struggling in India becomes peacefully established during lockdown" The new word "established" makes sentence more fantastic so language with highlighted words and keywords places this example better than previous.
But you should note that you cannot change laws such as Giffin's law, Boyle's law etc. Because laws are unchangeable in any subject and some definitions cannot be changed which are scholaristic quotes like in political science. So read those tiny statements which are small and can be memorized easily.
At the second base is our writtting skill it helps us to write what is true first of all you should know that it is good for you to get a great number of keywords and scope of subject which aids you to do as a developer of a perfect writing skill your word limit should be atleast 4 words per second this you can develop by just simply writing 5 pages both sides that makes 2&1/2 pages some suggest it would be 1 to 4 it will be little in progress or 6 to more than it can cause you to be a loady job!.So, this becomes an easy job to increase writing speed. But when you go to another level you can take more ways to increase your speed.
While regarding memory your can increase it by eating less, become conscious about what you see in the present synario note every thing.
For example if you can note your house your television also count keywords, phrases and many other things first like memory games of keeping certain thingslike pen,matchbox,pencil etc.
On the table of atleast 20 things and memorize this.
Puzzle for you
Michael Wood
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